During the summer, many people experience dehydration, and another sign of it is having low energy. The hot sun has the capacity to fully exhaust us when the mercury level rises. We are placing our bodies at greater risk by disregarding this. So, it is crucial that we exercise particular caution during the hot season. We can combat the risky effects of summer by eating healthfully and making certain lifestyle modifications. In order to counteract the negative effects of the hot heat, we’ve identified a few cooling foods that you should definitely include in your diet.

Watermelon is a summertime fruit that is in season. It assists in meeting your body’s water needs because it is 91.45% water. Watermelon also has amazing cooling qualities due to its antioxidant content.

Consuming cucumbers in the summer helps prevent constipation since they are high in fibre. Moreover, cucumber has a high water content. So eat these foods that are more crunchy to stay cool during the hot heat.

Southwest India is the natural home of the jackfruit, a tropical tree fruit. It is a member of the family of plants known as the Moraceae, which also contains mulberries, figs, and breadfruit. A jackfruit is a huge fruit with thick, edible seeds and pods, as well as yellow flesh.
Coconut Water

The finest drink during the summer is coconut water. This is packed with necessary vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, is sold in practically all fruit shops. It offers cooling qualities that will aid you in battling the heat. Research has also shown that routinely consuming coconut water can help prevent cancer.
mintNearly all vegetable dealers have access to this affordable herb. You might gain additional advantages if you include mint in curd, chaach, or raita. You can also make mint chutney, which is a dish that is frequently made in Indian homes. Mint has a cooling effect on your body temperature as well as a refreshing one.
Leafy green vegetables

There are several advantages to eating green leafy veggies throughout the year. Also, including them in your diet regularly is advantageous since green leafy vegetables have a high water content. Keep in mind that overcooking these vegetables could lead them to lose water content.

You might be shocked to learn that onions also have cooling effects. As eating them raw could damage your flavour, combine them with salt and lemon to make salads. Addition of onion to your vegetables, curries, and raita are other ways to consume it. The quercetin found in red onions is often regarded as a natural anti-allergen. Including onions in your diet regularly can also assist to protect you from sunstroke.

Melons are fantastic to eat in the summer because they have a lot of water in them. They aid in keeping you hydrated and provide a cooling and refreshing effect on you.
Citrus water

Another cool beverage for summer is lime water, also known as nimboo pani. A glass of lime water has numerous health advantages. You can have sweet limewater and flavour it with salt and a dash of cumin powder. All day long, lime water keeps you cool and energised.

Celery, which has a 95% water content, supplies vital nutrients that keep you energised in the heat. Sodium, iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and zinc are all abundant in celery.

Sprouts have a high water and nutritional content and are simple to digest. They can be consumed on their own, along with other vegetables or in a salad. A refreshing approach to get through the summer slump is with a watermelon, pineapple, cucumber, and sprout salad.
Bottle Gourd

Bottle gourds, also referred to as lauki, belong on this list. Because of its flavour and nutritional value, this vegetable deserves to reign supreme in the vegetable kingdom. It keeps well in the refrigerator and is frequently used as a vegetable in curries. Bottle gourds are excellent for the bones since they are high in calcium and have a high water content. It has long been used as a natural cure for high cholesterol, blood sugar regulation, and stomach problems.

It might seem strange to include eggplants, also known as brinjals, on a list of summertime-friendly veggies. In India, this healthy vegetable is frequently eaten as a side dish and goes well with practically any spice mixture.
Because they are high in fibre, brinjals are crucial for gut health. In addition, brinjals include flavonoids, vitamins, potassium, and other nutrients that improve general health.

A subtropical fruit called a lychee has a rough dark pink outer layer, pulpy, translucent white flesh, and a dark brown seed inside. In order to enjoy this juicy, insanely sweet fruit, the outer covering is thrown away, and the seed is removed. While the fruit’s excellent flavour tempts the taste buds, being aware of the fruit’s different nutritional benefits might make you enjoy it even more.
A wellspring of freshness floods the mouth with just one bite of this fruit. It comes as a result of the lychee’s high water content—almost 81% of it is water! Carbohydrate content in lychee is also high, with the majority coming from the fruit’s abundant natural sugar. 16.53 g of carbs are found in 100 grammes of lychee.

Only during the warm months can you find mangoes in great quantities. Because it is a popular fruit, it is frequently referred to as the “King of fruits.” Vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants are abundant in mangoes. Not only are mangoes our favourite fruit, but they are also a common ingredient in sweets. They have a lot of antioxidants and can therefore strengthen immunity. They raise eye health and decrease cholesterol. All of these reasons combine to make mangoes one of the best summertime fruits.